Usually people say that a long distance relationship never works. In fact, these people are nobody else but your dear family, extra caring relatives and close friends. They always ready to give you advise to not take this kind of relationships very momentous.
Well, an apocalyptic attitude for a particular thing is obviously not very good but I’m not going to tell you to do like that. As per my own experience, I’ll suggest you can go either a long distance relation or a close-up relationship. I’ll also give you some magnificent tips on long distance relationships but it is totally dependent on you that, how are you maturely dealing in.
Many of you have some relationship questions in your mind. Before starting anything, let me clear one thing, a long distance relation is not good for lifetime but 2 to 7-8 years is ok. In this article I will discuss some extremely beautiful benefits of long distance love.
So let us start,
Most of the cases are failed because people don’t even know the meaning of true relationship. First of all, you need to believe that you are in a relationship, forget about long or short. Just focus on the word ‘relationship’. A relationship is synonym of ‘trust’ , Yes. I never say a long distance relationship is an easy thing but it can be superb success if you are having a willing power and little maturity level.
One thing I must say that, you are superb master in your relationship if you are able to maintain a long distance relationship.
Now, time to go with these key points and share my experience with you . Believe that you are lucky if you are maintaining your relationship:
People usually says that it is very difficult to manage a relationship if your partner is not available at front of you. Our first believe is;
Yes, if you have learnt to deal in this situation then you can manage many difficult situations and ups/downs in your relationships lifetime.
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Let me give you relationship advice with an example;
Suppose you and your partner are living in a same city then it is an obvious thing that you meet frequently (almost everyday) and never feel loneliness. You spend time in movie hall, lover parks, disco and other places. It will set your expectations high with your partner in the 1st stage of your relationship. One bitter truth of relationship is also be in mind that, if you are spending too much time with anyone means you are not very settled in your career too. Once you will get settled and not be able to give time to your partner then, it will create conflicts in 2nd stage of your relationship. Because you were solving easy puzzles of relationship and possibility to not understand the meaning of true love.
While if you starts with a difficult puzzles and your relationship is started in a distance, means you are ready to solve difficult puzzles in 1st stage with minimum expectations only. If you solve you will enter in 2nd stage, if you don’t solve you will simple leave from this love game. It is also not very painful to move-on.
I never say to not expect anything from your partner. You have obviously rights on your partner. But, in a distance relationship goal you never expect frequent things (Every weekend movie hall, every day lover points, unlimited talk, every month costly surprise gifts, every week Disco night, etc). Always remember that,
Disappointments are the results of failed expectations in a relationship.
One of my friend says that, “He was very good with me when we were living in a same city. But, he is not giving me value after got settled in a different city due to his job. He always talks about his career and don’t talk late night. In simple words, he is being very professional and has stopped loving me now”
I said her, “No dear, no.. Actually , you guys never value a true relationship. For you a relationship is nothing but spending every time with you and never focus on anything else. Just think twice you are in love or lust?“
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This kind of expectation creates anger, anxiety and sadness in your life. In a distance relationship you can better focus on your career goal and at the same time you make your relationship mature and strong. So first of all you need to maintain a goal of relationship trust between both of you.
Some people argue that, these are the golden moments which a distance relationship couple can never enjoy. As per my observation and experience, there is no specific set of time to enjoy your golden moments, you can do it even after sometime when you will live with your partner. Because;
In a long distance even a single thing can’t be avoided by either you or your partner. This is also very important things for every love birds that, they should be ignored by their partner. One picture of your partner gives you miraculous smile on your face in bind both of you in a lovely relationship bracelet.
You can’t go Disco with your partner that’s why one song, dedicated by your partner makes your mind full of joy. Your time is limited but you can’t ignore your partner’s even small things.
I want to share one of my experience with you;
He sent me one picture of a tight coddled couple sitting in their own lamborghini. He added a caption that “this is my dream“.
Believe me it gives more happiness to you than your partner show you a car on road and says “this is my dream car, we’ll buy and ride together in this lamborghini”.
And last but not the least…
Never break promises because someone is waiting for you