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Taaza Tadka

100+ Fresh Startup Submission Sites List 2022 | Submit Your Startup Free

Startup Preeti Mishra 6 February 2022
100+ Fresh Startup Submission Sites List 2020-21 To Submit Your Startup

One of the most opt asked questions from the startups in India that how to grow their business and how to promote? The most relevant answer by a digital marketing expert is ‘link building’. Now the thing you should know that, there are a lot of  social media, directory submission and bookmarking platforms. Experts advice for genuine link building on non-PBN guest blogging sites and some of the best startup submission sites. So, if you are Startup and want to boost your business then this article is for you.

Outgoing trend of startup directory submission sites?

In the earlier two years startup directory submission sites was avoided by many people looking to arise their website. Why so? It is just because Google penalised many of the websites that used tricks of directory submission to exploit their websites’ ranking.

Now you should know why Google did so?

Main duty of Google is to show relevant and quality results on the top of the google ranking. Many of the people started their PBN sites just to make money in the network. They never work for google search. Second thing, as they know old algorithm of google increase ranking of the URL which has more external links. Thus, they started giving external links to the websites and increase their own traffic. A traffic means a lot for Google AdSense, Yahoo , Chitika, Adversal and many of the advertisement sites.

This money making trick is worthy for directory submission sites. Also it was giving multiple benefits to client sites. For this, most of the directory submission sites are ready to add irrelevant links too. Human started making fool Google by creating multiple bogus links. For Google an irrelevant link is not worth and also reduce search result quality of the google.

Thus, Google picked it up quickly and changed the algorithm.  Algorithm coded to check a websites’ back-links properly. Google has also banned many of the PBN directory submission sites blow down the quality of the google search result.

Google never give value to a website with lower links and irrelevant submission.

Is Google banned directory submission?

No. Google never banned directory submission. Google just changed the algorithm so that SEO person can strictly follow the rules and don’t create irrelevant backlinks. You can still submit your startup as directory but need to review a proper directory submission site. It should not be a PBN site.

What is the solution for Startup submission?

Submitting your startup in an irrelevant directory will never work for google and Moz. You need to go with some quality and genuine startup submission sites in 2022. I’ve tried to find out some of the best free startup submission sites you can go without any worry.

So avoid PBN and let’s have a quality and genuine linking for your startup website.

S. No. Domain Name Startup Submission URL
1 Taaza Tadka https://taazatadka.com/submit-your-startup-story/
2 Submit Your Startup https://submityourstartup.com/
3 Hackers News https://news.ycombinator.com/submit
4 Spring Wise https://www.springwise.com/tipus/
5 All Top Start-Ups https://alltopstartups.com/submit-startup/
6 Startup Ranking https://www.startupranking.com/login
7 Startup Buzz https://www.startup-buzz.com/submit-startup/
8 JCount https://www.jcount.com/submit-your-startup/
9 GitHub https://github.com/mmccaff/PlacesToPostYourStartup
10 Tech Faster http://techfaster.com/submit-your-company/
11 My Startup Tool https://mystartuptool.com/users/register_login.php
12 e27 https://e27.co/startups
13 Your Story https://accounts.yourstory.com/users/sign_in
14 Designer News https://www.designernews.co/
15 Rate My Startup http://ratemystartup.com/submit-your-startup/
16 Paggu https://www.paggu.com/submit-your-startup/
17 inc42 https://inc42.com/startup-submission/
18 Startup Tab https://startuptabs.typeform.com/to/S8R5So
19 Superb Crew https://www.superbcrew.com/join-us/
20 Skill Infinity https://skillinfinity.com/user/register
21 Two Point Zero http://webdevtwopointzero.com/submit-a-site/
22 Startup Benchmark https://www.startupbenchmarks.com/startups/
23 TechPluto https://www.techpluto.com/submit-startup/
24 The Tech Map https://www.thetechmap.com/Account/Login
25 Know Startup http://knowstartup.com/submit-startup/
26 Startup Inspire https://www.startupinspire.com/login
27 Startup Tank http://startuptank.com/account/register
28 Pre Fundia http://prefundia.com/about/
29 Startup Booster http://www.startupbooster.com/submit-site/
30 The Startup Pitch https://thestartuppitch.com/post-a-pitch/
31 Venture Bin http://www.venturebin.com/submit-venture/
32 Web Apprater https://webapprater.com/submit-your-web-application-for-review-html
33 Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/SideProject/
34 Top E-Commerce Startup http://topecommercestartups.com/submit-your-website/
35 Startup Wizz http://www.startupwizz.com/submit-a-startup/
36 Product Hunt https://www.producthunt.com/
37 Startup Tabs https://startuptabs.typeform.com/to/S8R5So
38 Startup Lift http://startuplift.com/submit-your-startup/
39 Startup Sea http://www.startupsea.com/p/submit-startup.html
40 Serious Startups http://seriousstartups.com/about-us/
41 Startup BZ http://startups.bz/startup-directory/
42 Startup Donut https://www.startupdonut.co.uk/contact-form
43 Financial Post https://business.financialpost.com/category/entrepreneur/fp-startups
44 Operation 6Fig http://www.operation6fig.com/submit-a-start-up
45 New Startup https://www.new-startups.com/promote-your-startup-company/
46 Launching Next https://www.launchingnext.com/submit/
47 Killer Startups http://www.killerstartups.com/submit-startup/
48 Tech Crunch http://info.techcrunch.com/SponsorshipsInterest.html
49 Group https://group.growvc.com/join-us.html
50 Feed My App https://feedmyapp.com/submit/
51 F6S https://www.f6s.com/profile/2952874/edit/basic-information
52  eu https://www.eu-startups.com/directory/?wpbdp_view=submit_listing
53 Crunch Base https://www.crunchbase.com/register
54 Cloud Show Place http://www.cloudshowplace.com/add-your-company/
55 Capterra https://www.capterra.com/vendors
56 Beta List https://betalist.com/submit
57 Beta Kit https://betakit.com/resources/canadian-startup-map/
58 Beta Bound https://www.betabound.com/announce/
59 Apps 400 http://apps400.com/submit-your-application-for-review
60 101 Best http://101bestwebsites.com/auth/login
61 Ideamensch https://ideamensch.com/contact/
62 Startup Buzz https://www.startup-buzz.com/submit-startup/
63 nextbigwhat https://nextbigwhat.com/submit-your-startup/
64 indistart http://www.indistart.com/submit-startup-story/
65 laffaz https://laffaz.com/submit-startup/
66 startupmeet https://startupmeet.in/submit-your-story/
67 costartup http://www.costartup.in/submit/
68 businessworldwire https://businessworldwire.com/submit-your-startup/
69 startupwonders https://startupwonders.com/submit/startup/
70 mystartuptool https://mystartuptool.com/users/register_login.php
71 startupanz https://startupanz.com/submit-a-startup/
72 snapmunk https://www.snapmunk.com/submit-your-startup/
73 geekwire https://www.geekwire.com/submit-startup/
74 arkley.ventures https://arkley.ventures/submit-your-startup
75 fintechnews.hk https://fintechnews.hk/submit-your-fintech-startup/
76 storytoday https://www.storytoday.co.in/submit-startup-story/
77 unscalableacts https://www.unscalableacts.com/submit-content/submit-your-startup-idea
78 dutchstartupjobs https://www.dutchstartupjobs.com/submit-your-startup/
79 fintechbaltic https://fintechbaltic.com/submit-your-fintech-startup/
80 launchingnext https://www.launchingnext.com/submit/
81 vyapaarjagat https://www.vyapaarjagat.com/mystory/
82 startuplift https://startuplift.com/submit-your-startup/
83 taalk https://taalk.com/submit-startup/
84 globivest https://www.globivest.com/submit
85 buddybits https://buddybits.com/startups/
86 the startup journal https://www.thestartupjournal.com/submit/
87 startacus https://startacus.net/culture/submit-your-startup
88 successvalley https://www.successvalley.tech/submit-startup/
89 tech to market https://techtomarket.net/startup
90 startupbuffer https://startupbuffer.com/site/submit
91 startuprooster https://startuprooster.com/submit-your-startup/
92 meetyourcofounder https://meetyourcofounder.com/submit-your-idea/
93 feedmystartup http://feedmystartup.com/submit-your-startup/
94 startupjohn https://www.startupjohn.com/submit-startup
95 startupsincanada https://startupsincanada.com/submit-startup/
96 startupstories https://www.startupstories.in/submit-your-story
97 mallorcastartups https://mallorcastartups.com/submit
98 startuplist https://www.startuplist.in/submit-your-startup/
99 joinly https://www.joinly.xyz/submit-startup
100 lionessesofafrica https://www.lionessesofafrica.com/startup-story-submission
101 adm-ventures https://www.adm-ventures.com/submit-your-startup/


So what are you waiting for? Go with these fresh list of startup submission sites in 2019 and boom your business in digital era.

Preeti Mishra

Preeti Mishra

Content Writer | Foodie | Motivator | Political Analyst