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Taaza Tadka

Being Chef – It’s Easy Now “One stop solution for your daily food need”

Being Chef is a start-up operational in F&B space and provides a one-stop solution in veg food ranging from DIY cooking kit to fully cooked meal
Startup Stories Taaza Tadka 4 November 2019
Being Chef – It’s Easy Now “One stop solution for your daily food need”

Startup Details

Startup Name
Being Chef
Founder Name
Shubham Maheshwari
Founded Year
Submitted By
Shubham Maheshwari

Being Chef is a start-up operational in F&B space and provides a one-stop solution in veg food ranging from DIY cooking kit to fully cooked meal and homely economic meals to exotic premium meals. They are operational in Gurgaon since 2014.

Aim and Goal

The main problem that they are trying to solve is the daily food requirement especially for the millennials. Currently, millennials face a lot of issues when it comes to meeting their daily food requirement. Supply of good cooks is much lesser than the demand and time involved in cooking is much higher than what is available with the millennials in this competitive era.

On the other hand, fully cooked food ordered from outside is always a concern as it is surrounded by quality concerns. However, they are bound to order it in the absence of an alternative solution. When it comes to cooking the hassle of procuring ingredients in the right quantity, processing them as per the recipe, making dough and wastage of un-utilized raw and processed food compel them to avoid cooking.

Being Chef’s Recipe kit empowers you to cook anything in less than five minutes. It provides buyers with all the ingredients (chopped & processed) customized as per one’s taste with a simple 8 step recipe card. Along with this, Being Chef has built other lines of business like delivery of fully prepared meal, customizable meal boxes, customizable party packs which have helped them in absorbing their fixed cost and generate profit.

Till date, Being Chef have served above 4,00,000 + meals and are operating at a run rate above INR 2 Crores with 17% net profitability. Being Chef’s numbers are very promising in this start-up era where companies are struggling to become profitable. It has also been recognized by Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Govt. of India and were also the finalist of Smart 50 competition (out of 20,000 + startups of India) which was organized by Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt of India along with IIM Calcutta.

Being Chef has also proved it’s mettle by efficiently serving 17,000+ people in a single day at 5 locations simultaneously. It is also quite popular on social media with more than 1,00,000 followers on Facebook. The best part is that Being Chef has achieved all of the above being a bootstrapped start-up and have shown serious interest to build a business.

Founder’s Profile

Shubham Maheshwari founded Being Chef 5 years ago and has since led the growth of the company. With almost 6 years of experience, he through Being Chef strives to make people healthy through their daily food input. Previously, he has worked with a US-based consulting firm helping established companies with their sales and marketing strategies.

Shubham did his mechanical engineering from NIT Jaipur. He was the Vice President of his college and was also awarded as the Best All Rounder of his batch. He is also socially very active and has led India Against Corruption movement in Rajasthan. He also runs a self-help group named as People For People in which his team is bridging the gap between societal problems and their solutions. For this, he has been awarded YOUTH CHANGE MAKER AWARD in 2010. He is also a motivational speaker and has spoken in various events and colleges like FMS, MDI, IMI, IIT, NIT, RTU, etc.